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Ragazza Triste’s Small Talk

I still remember the first time I posted a blog on WordPress. It took me 2 days to convince someone to read it, it probably sat there for a week before I managed to get 5 followers. I was on the verge of deleting my page but I realised that writing is something that I could never give up, although I wasn’t getting enough traffic at the time, I was happy because I found a platform where I can be really weird without being judged, ridiculed and mocked. I learned a lot by being unnoticed, I worked really hard for the success of my page, no one did it for me.

Maybe that’s why I have a soft spot for the newbies, maybe that’s why I have the Blogger Spotlight or the Boost Booth. I am getting a lot of comments, views and likes in every post, I have new people coming in to follow my page, so why shouldn’t I use that audience to promote other bloggers? I didn’t have any help when I was a newbie, so I know the feeling. We all need a little bit of motivation once in a while, a little tap in the back would make a difference.

How about you, darlings? What’s your newbie story?
Do you wanna be tagged in The Kooky Tag?
Do you wanna be featured in the next Blogger Spotlight? Let me know in the comment section. Cheers!

72 thoughts on “Ragazza Triste’s Small Talk

    1. Hey, Johnny. You gave me an idea, OMG. I think I’m gonna be doing a short shout out aside from the Spotlight that I am already doing on my page. WOOW. Thank you! You’ll be the first one on that shout out, that’s for sure.

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  1. This is my 10th month in the blogosphere. Do I still qualify as a newbie?

    Well, there was a time I almost deleted my blog because it wasn’t engaging. I felt like I was writing to myself alone. Reaching to my target audience was kinda difficult.

    Yeah! I have more than 100 followers but engagement is poor. But I ain’t giving up.

    I’ll keep writing. Even if only one person gets to read it and is encouraged, then I’m fulfilled.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes. That’s the spirit, darling. Never ever ever give up, although at this time, no one seems to be reading or engaging, it’s not always gonna be like that, just be here and talk to people. 🙂

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  2. I’d love to be spotted!

    When i started for some reason i couldn’t comment on other people’s blog. So i remained 2 years with very few solid followers (which i thank deeply for remaining with me ) even though i couldn’t comment on their blog .

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I am not a newbie, but I remember when I first started I had no idea about tags or categories, so I left everything as it was. You did well to get five followers in the first week Ragazza. It took me forever to build a following.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’m still a newbie but I’ve already made so many friends here. For me it is all about following people from all over the world and learning about their passions. Love this big blog family.

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  5. This is so true. I’ve experienced the same.
    So whenever I see any new blogger who is losing hope for their blogs ,I try my best to encourage them to keep writing 😇😇


    1. Thank you, darling. I would definitely do that. I’ll be doing a Blogger Shout out, this is different from the Spotlight, since it’s a shout out, it’s gonna be shorter than the Spotlight and I’ll be giving a shout out to two bloggers in each post and you’re gonna be the first ones on that post, you and Johnny. How about that?


  6. Love your topics, thoughts ands posts lovely. Inspiring, engaging and so insightful. I remember my first post I wrote, I was just excited to publish it. I just barely learned about tags from someone special.🌹
    Although I’m not Spotlight material because I’m to 😶, your projects are so wonderful for bloggers and love reading and engaging in them and that’s no small talk😉🌹❤️

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      1. Thank you lovely, a million thanks for your kind words and that’d be something special. You are a busy person and that’s such a great thing that your busy work is helping others. You keep it up and stay awesome🌹🌹.❤️


  7. Your blog is amazing and I’m so glad that you kept at it and worked so hard to make it what it is today! I’ve been on this blog of mine for 6 months, I think, and I still consider myself a beginner blogger. I tell myself that so that I never get too comfortable and forget my humble beginnings on here. I’ve met so many amazing people on WP and a huge thanks to you for taking the time to help me come out of my shell! You’re the best Ragazza! 🙂💕

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  8. It also took me a while to get followers, but with my passion and love for writing I still continue to write… patiently so, surely but surely we’ll all get there 💯…


  9. Wonderful to know that you didn’t delete it, you have a heart worth sharing; a heart dedicated, to shine the spotlight on others! Blessings to you, Ragazza Triste!


  10. I’ve always admired bloggers but never believed it was something possible for me. I started my blog this summer but have struggled to keep up with it now that the fall semester has started. I’m a busy nursing student, and blogging is my pipe dream. I want to increase my follower count, not because I want to be famous, but because I want to impact more people. I want people to interact with myself and each other in the comments section. I want my blog to be a place of growth that might someday change at least one individual’s life. But, the more I research about blogging, the more discouraged I become. I learn things like “you should never start out on a free site like wordpress” and I feel like I have set myself up for failure. Any thoughts or encouragements? I feel like I do not know what I am doing, since I am not a super high-techie gal. But I am enjoying the learning process along the way. Like I said, this is my pipe dream. I’m trying to contact more experienced bloggers to have them take a look at my blog and tell me what they think, maybe even spark a few conversations in my comments section.


    1. I’ve had a look at your blog this morning. It’s well set up and you make good use of photos, there is plenty there that’s positive. The only piece of advice I will give you is the advice given to me when I first started out – your blog posts should be like a conversation with a friend. Imagine that you are having a chat with someone close – yes you’d talk but you’d ask questions too, you’d engage with them and get their attention before filling them in on your latest news. This advice really helped me to build my blog – I hope it will do the same for you :O)


      1. Haha. Thank you, darling for this very timely advice. I tend to put the questions at the end of every posts, so hahahaa, I don’t know, I’ve always been like that, I’ll try to change my writing a bit and hopefully more people would be able to relate. 🙂


    2. Hey. Do not be discouraged easily, darling. Last May, I only have like, 187 friends, after working so hard to make people, force people, haha, I’m kidding, encourage people to visit my page, talk to them, read their blogs, search for topics and bloggers, comment, put links or ask them to visit my page, it worked, and after a few months, I have too many friends and I am dedicating some parts of my page to highlighting and helping other bloggers like you to be known by other people. Send me an email to I will be happily include you on the Spotlight or Shout out on my page. Just a little boost. 🙂

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  11. I’m 2 months young now and into my third month 😂 the support here is overwhelming and Its so positive you know to read here as everyone is exceptional.
    I would love your support as it’s such a great initiative.


  12. I remember my first post, I thought I had achieved a milestone. Hahaha. I was so happy with my own self. Slowly my audience grew and I started getting followers. It was like magic to me. And venue featured me on your blogger spotlight series that day was truly one of the best on wordpress. I was so so so happy. I still can’t thank you enough. You are so wonderful to me and have always been. You are amazing♥️♥️♥️♥️😘

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  13. I started blogging at the command of my publisher (hence the name of the blog being Catch a Falling Star, the title of that first novel ). I quickly learned how much I love blogging. I not only had stories to tell but piles of pictures I had drawn and essays I wanted to write. Once I retired from my teaching career, I had so much time for writing I started writing a post every day.

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  14. Hi ate! Your determination and hard work are so inspiring. You deserve whatever you have gained at the present time. As for me, I never really thought about gaining followers and making my account grow because I wanted my blog to be low-key or hidden like something you have to search or find for. I created it solely for the purpose of using it as an outlet of what I can’t post on other social media applications. But there really is a difference when people start to follow you and like your posts because its like you have done something for them be it they enjoyed what they read and they appreciated it. It just gives you a boost I guess? But I am so thankful you commented on my post that day hehe I made a friend here :> Thank you for what you do ate. You have no idea how much blessing you bring to other people’s lives.

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  15. I first started blogging about six years ago in February. I wanted to post my fiction stories somewhere besides a fanfiction site. Though I have written and published many fanfiction pieces, my writing blog is my main focus aside from my TVOvermind reviews. At first, I didn’t want to start a blog given that it would be too much work as I was already writing fanfiction stories. I’m glad I decided to start The Writing Desk of Tiffany C. Lockhart because it gives me a chance to stretch my writing muscles beyond the confines of fanfiction where the characters have to be ones from the show/movie/book. I would be extremely honoured to be featured in the Blogger Spotlight and be tagged in the Kooky Tag. Keep on writing Love! 😀 #MuchLove


  16. I remember when I started, I started with zero follower. A time came we were 5, then later 10, 50, etc and now we are over 200. Rome was not built a day. Continuity is the golden rule.


  17. Hi Ragazza Triste, I must commend your creativity and the evergreen words you bring up each time you publish on your blog. You made my 2018 incredible and I always look forward to your next publications. In the same light, I have received a good number of likes from you on my blogs as well. It really gladdens my heart each time I notice your likes and comments.
    More importantly, I have a forthcoming publication titled ‘Voices’ and I am in need of contributing poets on this one. I am hoping you will be interested in contributing to this effort. ‘Voices’ as titled is meant to discuss about the different visage of love – sweet love and sour love. In this publication, each contributing poets will come up with two poems; one perfect love story and the other, a sad love story.
    I was studying at your blog and I discover you have done so much on this subject matter, if given the permission I will go ahead to pick from the poems on your blog. I am hoping to have (15) fifteen contributing poets; among these poets are: Robert Okaji, Frank Solanki, Vinz-Double-O, Luna, Specsladeyes, Baffy Basics, Cubby, Shefali among others. Your contribution and support will be well acknowledged and preached.
    Thanks for your consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Victor Eshameh-Giftedminds


      1. We are working on a eBook for now. You’ll be carried along in all the processes and procedures. A copy will be sent to you once it is published.


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