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The Blog Huddle

Surprise, darlings!

I’ve been thinking about doing this for a long time now and I am so happy to add another milestone on my page. Yey! The Blog Huddle is on, y’all. This is basically where you can share your links and blog pages to encourage people to visit your page, you can also ask questions, feedback about your writings and your blog designs.

I only have a few reminders for all of you who would like to participate.


  • It would be amazing if you could answer or reply to any queries by other bloggers, although it’s not obligatory, I think it would be nice to help out.
  • Please don’t just post links, I mean, try to describe your page a little bit, a few words would do.
  • Do not spam the comment section, please.
  • Be respectful. Do not leave hate comments or anything that would hurt anyone’s feelings.

Alright, that’s it. I just want you guys to enjoy and take this chance to promote your page, meet new people and help out fellow bloggers.

Drop your links below, darlings! 🙂

133 thoughts on “The Blog Huddle

  1. Hello everyone,
    I am new to WordPress and i hope i do well here just like all of you. It actually feels good to be among lovely people. I’ll soon post my first blog and i hope everyone enjoys reading it. I’ll probably write my first blog about my homeland i.e Kashmir Valley.
    My site is

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey guys!
    Im also new to WordPress and also a first time Blogger!
    Iv just created my page and made my very first post.
    My blog is about my Alcohol Addiction and life now in Recovery.
    Its going to be a roller-coaster of throwbacks and forward thinking and hopefully helpful to anyone struggling or also in recovery who can relate.
    touchy subject i know but writing about it makes me feel so much stronger! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hello everyone my blog is all about self-improvement, motivation, lifestyle, movie reviews and personal experiences and random thoughts.
    Check out my blog here

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just started a blog and I use to do it like on a piece of paper but now I can do it for real my blogs are about my Daily Life and how it is to live as a Home schooled student.


  5. Lovely Saturday Sweeties! 💋. I would really love to participate 😊 though I am not writing regularly. But i do share videos and quotes with the hope to spread positivity and inspiration 😊 check ’em out at

    & any constructive advise or comments about my posts and site will be truly appreciated. 😘

    P.S. this is a brilliant idea Ragazza. Helpful and awesome as always! 😉😘

    Liked by 1 person


    Hi beautiful humans!
    My name is jorgia, I’m a fresh new blogger wanting to share my experiences through life, the good; the bad and the ugly, I have Been inspired to create my blogs as my life is always “ on the go” and always seems like a bold and The beautiful episode, but one thing I ensure I at the end of everything keep that positive mindset and help share how I deal with experiences and hopefully help people through there’s!
    Please send me a follow if your wanting to help experience this journey with me, Looking forward to sharing it with you all – Jorgia xx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey, I’m a new blogger and would love some feedback on my page and more. I love sharing personal experiences, giving advice, and making sure we all feel comfortable and talking about the relatable things with one another. I love sharing my stories and hearing some back as well. Anyone is welcomed on my blog just as long as there is no hate or bullying of any kind. I follow back anyone who follows me.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey everyone, I have a little blog dedicated to faith and inspirational posts. Sometimes I write about funny things like life advice from popular tv shows or about writing topics like when I met a New York Times Bestselling Author. I absolutely love blogging and am hoping to grow some in the new year. And I’ll follow back too! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I just now saw this (reading through the conversations section instead of the main reader today) … I followed and I love it! Have already reblogged “God is like Abs”!!!!!!!!!!! What a great idea for a blog theme!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hey, I write about my experience with depression, anxiety, and schizoaffective disorder.


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