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Ragazza Triste’s Small Talk


I was never bullied as a kid. I was kind of weird and obnoxious when I was growing up so I guess people kept their distance. I was never good at making friends, I believed that being alone was more convenient. I had trust issues and I didn’t like people. But I wasn’t a bitch or anything, I was condescending and intimidating at times, but I wasn’t a mean machine. I just didn’t like the idea of “people” Ha ha!


Well, things changed, I am still cautious when it comes about my personal life, but I learned that socializing with other people is vital. I had few enemies along the way, but I don’t like confrontations, it’s just overly dramatic for me, I am an emotional person but that kind of drama just doesn’t sit well with me, I am loud and outspoken but I don’t wanna be involved in stupid and useless word war with anyone.


Just recently though, I posted a tweet on Twitter about how writing calms my senses and some girl tried to bully me, it was terrible, but I guess I was able to defend myself. What do you think, darlings?






I don’t know what her problem is. Ha ha.






Bullying is just senseless. It doesn’t make you superior or better than anyone, it only shows how miserable your life is.

What are your thoughts about bullying? Have you been bullied before? Tell me about it, darlings. Let’s talk.

I’m gonna be encouraging everyone to host a “Small Talk” on your pages. I hope this will connect us more. I need some ideas, darlings!

104 thoughts on “Ragazza Triste’s Small Talk

  1. Never been bullied luckily. But certain people just have that nature and they are not aware how destructive it can be.. I read a really good book about it a while ago and the author said if you are bullied its a good sign in a way often people misunderstand or just want to take you down a peg or too, in some sense they are threatened by something you represent. I just don’t like the idea of stooping to their level though.


    1. I know, but this woman was all over my Twitter that time, I just gotta have to say something. I just hate it when people underestimate my writing, they wouldn’t understand, why mock something you can’t understand?

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  2. Unfortunately, it’s a sad reality on the internet that people like this exist. Just block and move on; never let them define your own ability. You’re a great writer from what I’ve read and you don’t need their approval.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Bullying is worser than even any crime… Bcoz bullying is designed for a slow, excruciating death of the target and can cause huge trauma and loss..
    Identifying it is important to rise above it.
    Having self worth is important
    Having proper knowledge as what to do if it exceeds limits is important
    Maybe if you are writing your next post on how to fight bullying you can mention and add these points on my behalf.
    Mental strength plays very key role in rising above all.


  4. “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me” said the old nursery rhyme. What nonsense. Words can hurt deeper and longer than any physical wound. This girl on your twitter doesn’t have a clue about what real writing is all about.

    Bullying us just plain wrong. We are on this earth to pull one another up and to help one another along, and God will measure us by how much we do that. Show mercy and grace in everything we do.

    You just keep writing, my dear. You’re doing great

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Whether you are a good writer or not..As long as you are writing something that we can all relate to and like. No-one is entitled to judge you.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. it definitely appears so in the case of this person ..totally uncalled for.
        wish you more success and less bullies in future 🙂


  6. I’m lucky, I was never bullied! Probably because I was the bully?!? Haha! Just kidding! Perhaps because I have this strong personality and I easily connect with people.
    Anyway, screw her! You know yourself better than anyone!🙂


  7. I didn’t know back then that people hurting you verbally was also counted as bullying so I shrugged off the experiences I’ve had as nothing because it was not as worse as what the others experienced but I later learned that there are many forms of bullying. I think people nowadays still underestimate the impact bullying has on a person, dismissing it as if it was only a simple matter. And that’s the sad truth. However, more and more people are raising awareness so I’m sure there has been some progress. It just saddens me how sometimes we belittle another person’s suffering because we think what they are going through is not that deep or that ‘we’ have it worse or that it’s such an easy thing to overcome but it’s not. It’s best that we always remind ourselves to be kind ♡


    1. What matters is you were able to overcome the bullying and became a stronger person. I commend you for that.
      I’m always trying to be kind, but sometimes, I reach my limit and I need to say something.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Twitter can get crazy! That girl has issues in her heart, so she lashes out at people to make herself feel better. You are a good writer and you are brave for doing so! I’ve had argumentative and hateful people come at me on my blog and twitter. Not fun. Best advice, just block her. She is intimidated by you and your writing and she can’t handle it. Keep shining sister! You have tons of people who love you and your writing!


  9. What a hater! It’s a good thing that you stood up for yourself. I can’t understand why people feel the need to be mean towards others. I’ve been victim of some mild bullying when I was around 10-12 but it was nothing too bad and it taught me to stand up for myself. It’s pathetic to see how bullies take to social media to insult others nowadays


  10. Bullied through high school. Bullied through two stints at the same company. Bullied by one set of friends. Bullied by another set of friends. And, on one occasion in high school, I became a bully myself; though I realised early and sought to put things right. I’m sure all have helped contribute to my depression, and a part of me still being here is so that they don’t ‘win.’

    And I have a book published (you should totally check it out 😉 ) but that doesn’t mean I’m any good. Good to see you’re not letting people like that discourage you. 🙂


    1. I am also proud of you, darling, because you were able to come out stronger because of that experience. I think times like this makes us more indestructible, I realised that in the real world, this is also happening, not just online, and that’s worse.

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  11. I was bullied at school, but these days I don’t put up with shit from anyone.
    I think your impolite slut is really a man anyway.
    Whoever, it’s got issues.
    I CAN write, and I love reading your blog.
    Rise above it sweetheart 💖❤💖


  12. I have never been bullied but yes it’s terrible.. It hurts physically and emotionally!! You gave her appropriate reply.. listen to your heart and keep up the good work!!


  13. Wow, how obnoxious! People like that aren’t even worth pursing or giving the time of day. 🙂 I used to get really upset by rude/mean comments on my Harry Potter fanfiction, some people even saying I couldn’t write. The funny thing? That comment would be several chapters into the story! If I’m such a bad writer, why did you read so much of the story? Every so often, I get a comment like that, and I just laugh. I never respond to them anymore. I am confident in my writing abilities without being arrogant. I have had enough people support me and tell me I’m good at it over the years that I believe I must be doing something right, and I’m not about to let a few miserable people ruin that.

    What the haters say says more about them than it does about you or whoever they’re flaming. They have nothing better to do than spread hatred because they are miserable. I am almost 39 years old, and I am too old to deal with stuff like that. I have people in my life who I love and who love me, and I have plenty of people worthy of my time that I don’t need to waste it on rude people.

    Just walk away, dear. Just walk away. There will always, always be haters out there, but I find that the older I get, the less I care about what they have to say.

    You ARE a GOOD writer.


    1. Thank you, Thia. I am so appalled by her comment, she came out of nowhere and I am just flustered. But I decided to defend myself, defend the things I believe in. I won’t let someone like her mock something that I love. I feel sorry for her though, she must be so miserable.


  14. Actually, believing that you are a writer is exactly how it works.

    Personally, I wouldn’t even engage with comments like that. I’m sure that’s what she was wanting from you. Don’t give negative people the satisfaction.


  15. I’m sorry that this happened to you.

    Don’t let someone clouded by their own issues bruise your love of writing. If your like me and writing sets you free, it doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad, published or unpublished, renowned or unknown. What matter is you do it because it brings you peace and contentment.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I’ve been bullied all my life. There was a time when I was an anonymous bully online trying to give my bullies a taste of what they did to me. I tried suicide once because of bullying.

    Sent from my iPhone


  17. That was a terrible exchange. I don’t understand why people pick random targets like that. I only started following you the other day, but I can tell you are honest and self-aware. That makes for a great writer. Keep it up! 😊


  18. It’s easy to talk to people that way when you’re hiding behind a screen. I wonder what they would say if you were face to face? And why they would start a flame war when all you were doing was expressing your love for writing. I shudder to think what they would have said if you actually expressed an controversial opinion on some issue. Keep up the good work.


  19. I was bullied in my school days by my friends who were very close to me. Every time when I was bullied I used give a stupid idiotic grin. Only I knew how it hurts so badly. I used to divert my thoughts to avoid depression. Initially I thought the wasn’t mine and I would have once soon but latter I refused to bully even though I had a opportunity to do so.

    This attitude change effected from the day I came to know about the a story behind the suicide. The person who committed was addicted to liquor and smoking and they were the cause of his suicide. He got them introduced through bullying. Now think of the situation of people who bullied him when they attended his funeral. It would be terrible for them. They would have begged god to change the bullying act.

    I felt why to regret latter by my silly actions. I do bully my friends now but with absolute caution of not hurting their emotions. I would avoid a simple smile if it would hurt them emotionally.


  20. You know I’ve had some extreme bullying experiences coming up. I told you about them when you and I first met on here, but one thing I cannot stand is uncalled for cruelty. Reading this just boils my blood, but honestly I look at that account that attacked you as a troll. There are sadly people in the world who wake up everyday thinking “Who can I give hell today?”. It’s sad and pathetic, but it’s a sad truth about the world we live in. Personally I would have blocked her comments and ignored her, because a fight is what she wants. A fool can’t argue with themselves. Sometimes you just have to ignore the haters and focus your attention on those that truly appreciate and love you and what you bring to the table. Life’s too short wasting your breath on ignorance.

    However, thumbs up for standing up for yourself and calling it like you see it! You didn’t deserve that treatment and I’m glad you know that you don’t have to take that kind of crap off of anyone! 🙌👍


    1. I don’t have to take crap from anyone. I’ve been receiving too much hate lately, even on my FB Page, and I’ve been ignoring all of them, but that day was different because I was having a bad day as well so it kind of all mixed up, the emotions, the rage, so although I normally ignores things like this, I just couldn’t let it slide at the time.

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      1. I know what you mean. We can only take so much before it all explodes. I’m just sorry you’ve been having to deal with so much hate lately and that was just uncalled for. You are a beautiful soul. Never forget that. 🙂


  21. I was teased relentlessly when I first came to Canada 21 years ago. This boy at school would say all sorts of things to me and make fun of everything I said or did. I think the only time I was ever bullied was when I first started my writing blog. I’ve gotten comments from users who either think I suffer from a mental health issue, belittled my writing or my choice to become a writer. I tried to block them as best I could until I decided to turn off the comments. I only turned them back on this year to see if things will be a bit better this time around. No one deserves to be bullied and kudos to you for standing up for yourself against that person! I agree with Manessah B, life’s too short to waste your breath on ignorance and negative commentary. Keep on doing what you do, girl! #MuchLove


    1. Thank you, Tiff. I appreciate you for sharing your experience with me and I’ll try to ignore them next time, I won’t be demotivated by petty comments from ignorant people.

      I’m spreading love on WordPress and I hope something like this won’t have to happen to anyone.

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      1. No problem, it wasn’t pleasant having to re-live painful memories but we can all take comfort in the fact that we rose above it and moved on with our lives. I applaud you for spreading love on WordPress and I also hope that something like this won’t have to happen to anyone ever again.


  22. Wow! People really do that? And how brave of her because for someone who can’t spell, I don’t think I would be talking about others. What is she called?? A troll? People who do things like that really baffle me. Who has the time?


  23. Her opinion doesn’t count; ours does – all of your followers, readers, and friends. We know who you are and why you write. Keep writing – I love reading you 🙂 ❤


  24. My dear Ragazza,

    Thanks for sharing some of your insight being 🙂
    This experience you had with that girl: Noone has the right to judge over other people, especially when they do not deeply know each other – this only leads to interlectual wrestling. Friedrich Nietzsche once said: “They attack to hide that they are attackable…” those people veil their own shortcomings and search their “balance” in finding mistakes in others. So do not worry my friend – just do not give attention to those kind of people.
    From heart to heart


      1. Exactly, dear Ragazza – if next time someone tries to make you feel terrible just do not answer and delete such a comment. If the same person continious, then you delete this contact, if there is no other way. However, at the same time we should also have compassion with those persons, because they do not know that their behaviour is not only agressive but also harming – with good thoughts for them (not bad thoughts) we may have positive effects on them (normally when we are hurt, we are angry and do not have good thoughts for those who attacked us).

        Love and light to you


  25. Twitter is the equivalent of kindergarten – full of childish bullies! Don’t let them get to you, there are 1492 of us on here who think you’re a great writer, there’s only one of her ;O) xxx


  26. The person (I think she’s a person but not sure) is so filled with insecurity about her own abilities she must bully others and put them in there place to try to drive down what she perceives to be the competition. What she doesn’t see is her heart is so truly marred she will never have the ability you have to share herself transparently as you do. Loving your neighbor as you love yourself is sometimes a difficult thing to do especially when they seem unlovable. But perhaps in this case praying for her is called for. She obviously has no life worth living. Perhaps time will beat some sense into her.


  27. I am appalled how people find time to bully others when the same time can be use to spread love. Bullies loves when they see the other person is irritated. Their win so to dominate. As a father of two kids one thing I teach is if someone bullies you don’t get irritated rather you say I guess you are right. Once you do that they cannot win you and they move away. This however doesn’t work if someone is getting physical. Then you need to take offense


  28. There is a lot of hatred on social media and a lot of people that simply are out there to make negative comments or try to argue. My personal experience is that Twitter is the worst. Since these people can’t be reasoned with, I no longer try to engage in any type of discussion with them. They will just continue to insult and name call. Anyone can invent a profile so chances are it is fake anyway 🙂


  29. I guess I was lucky not to get bullied much, I had the right circle or people said my mind wasn’t able to be bullied.🤔.
    The thing I find interesting is that she felt so bad about herself that she would seek others out to make herself feel better. It’s the keyboard warrior syndrome, and I commend you for standing up and letting her know that she was so insecure with herself that she had to seek others to put down to try and build herself up. I like to play ball, but if I’m not professional doesn’t mean I’m no good😜. Your writing defines you lovely and you are a wonderful writer, your content, activities, heart and characteristics you put into your craft makes you good and don’t let anyone tell you different.
    This post was called Small Talk and it seemed you confronted a small mind. I feel sorry for people like that. You are awesome!


  30. Oh my god …..what is wrong with this person . I always feel Twitter has turned into a verbal battlefield .. …anyone from anywhere wakes up and feels it’s their right to criticize others …….i’d really like to know what are her credentials to judge so harshly


  31. Everyone can improve their writing. You included, but what she fails to understand is the whole package. If she were to hang around you a while she’d see what we see. It’s about friendships and stories, laughings and mournings, love and supports with the wise crack retorts. Rising above all the doom of the fray, living the high roads to lift up our days. We all do our best and we try to refine, learn from each other and enjoy all the time. Have a stellar day!!


  32. I wasn’t cool with her comments. Really appauling. There are constructive ways to criticise a person. Not in such a weird manner.

    Dear Ragazza, why didn’t you tell her I once mentioned to learn the art of writing from you?

    About being bullied, well I have been bullied before. I’m non confrontational. I give no room.for such occurencezy.


  33. I agree with all those who are telling you to laugh it off and ignore the troll. She just had to deliver the brain fart because life is tough when you live alone in a swamp with a talking donkey. Oh, wait, that was an ogre. She doesn’t even have a talking donkey.


  34. Advice from an old poet – never lower yourself to their level by responding. Human nature tells us to respond, to fight back, but all that does on the internet is to add fuel to their fire. Don’t respond, don’t fire back at them, just ignore, as hard as that is. Block themand be done with it. Realize that you are stronger, smarter and so much better than them and be done with it. They are just looking for confrontation. don’t give it to them.


  35. On twitter,people always have something negative to say. Bullies are usually miserable people on the inside. I like the way you responded back to her. Don’t let nobody tell what you can or cannot do. Stay strong always


  36. I think it’s awesome that you defended yourself. That takes a lot of courage.
    May I pass along a little piece of advise? When someone tries to put you down, shut them down as quickly as possible (but kill them with kindness) or don’t respond to them at all. They want to engage you in an argument. They want to hijack you emotionally so they can flood you with more insults as you attempt to fight back. Don’t let them use you as fuel to spread the fire.
    You’re a wonderful writer. Never forget that.


  37. There have been instances where people have tried to bully me, of course never tolerated any of it. Great job of showing her that jer opinion has no value because she has nothing of value to offer! Keep writing, keep slaying and let the haters hate. They don’t amount to much in the long run anyway! Cheers ❤️


  38. WOW. God works out all things for the good. Look at all the positive feedback you received when you shared that story. I don’t know what I can say ( I do not have the time to read everybody else’s comments) but may I make a suggestion? Don’t argue with a nasty person like that- you probably gave her just what she wanted- a good fight and a way for her to spew her hatred over and over and over again. You do not have to defend yourself- you clearly are a better person than she is so do not waste your time arguing with her. And who knows? Maybe she was filled with rage for an entirely different reason. Maybe her husband left her for another woman. Maybe she just found out she has cancer. Maybe she lost her job. She may be spewing all her rage it you- just ignore her, hold your head high and continue on. By arguing with her you are giving her fuel for the fire. You are a great writer. You write about whatever touches your heart and mind and soul.
    Your friend


    1. Thank you so much, Terri. You don’t know how much I appreciate everyone who’s so nice and supportive of every activity that I put out, I am so glad you are one of them. 🙂


  39. Her username is “Fight me dork”…
    So she’s supposed to do these kinda things….😂😂..
    But don’t take it seriously (I know u didn’t 😜)
    Well the story of my life is,
    I have had been bullied when I was in the school…..At one period of time (when I was only 12), It became two phased i.e. Bulling At School by classmates, too much strictness at home by the family……
    But somehow I managed it……..
    And It’s alright now……🙂


  40. Ragazza, you are a gem. Your writing always inspires me and I aspire to write half as good as you do. That girl is an example of the kind of haters who want to bring you down. I’m sure her inadequacies were what made her to post that comment.
    I have been bullied all my life. I’ve gotten sh*t from people I don’t even know so I know how it feels. All the bullying made me feel insecure when I was younger but now, I’ve grown thick skin. They don’t matter, their words don’t matter. I only care about the brighter side of life now.


    1. Whoa. This is a very sweet comment, darling. I am happy because you feel that way but I am not that good, you are better, maybe I started first in WP that’s why you think I’m good, but I am not really that good, there are other writers here who are far more better than I am. But thank you because I made you feel like that.

      You are brave, over time, we mature and empty words couldn’t be able to break us anymore.

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  41. Bullies have issues with their personal lives, just like your friend. They need to be put in their rightful place so they can learn to love. You were really nice to her.


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