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The Harangue

If only people would practice what they preach, then maybe this world would be a better place, far from what it is right now, far from what we have become. We sermonize the ways of mankind according to our level of importance, we all think that we are better than everybody, or that we are too special to be mocked or derogated.

We patronize ourselves too much by climbing desperately on our own pedestal of honor and supremacy. We pry on the failures of the unfortunate and weak. We covet what we don’t have. We resent our deficiencies by treating the prosaic and sane with malice.

We are selfish. We are nocuous by nature, finding new ways of hurting people is what we are good at. Yes. There are some who claims to be a manifestation of decency, of virtue, or of probity, yet, they can’t seem to validate their purpose.

When are we gonna stop hurting ourselves just to prove that we are on the pinnacle of the status quo? Until we ruined everything that we truly are? Until there is no more to decimate?

71 thoughts on “The Harangue

  1. Somehow, despite the hectic situation in which man finds himself, it all seems to be needed like some sort of growing pain. As crazy as “needed” may sound, how are we to become greater as a whole? I believe adversity is necessary for growth, without it do we strive to become the better? I’ll always find anyone who takes themselves serious or whatever title they felt they’ve earned in this society funny, because nothing and no one is promised anything to my recollection. Good thought

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes. One’s humanity cannot be defined by the stature of your lifestyle. But this kind of world will never exist, only in my deepest dreams would I be able to imagine such. 🙂


  2. Titles and hierarchy are becoming a way of the passed in more and more organizations. The development is going forward but slowly. I love the book “leading without a title”. It just doesn’t make sense to me that someone would be better than anyone else due to title, salay or gender.. Good post

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly. Just because you have a higher place in the society, or title, or stature, doesn’t make you a saint or anything more precious. We all have equal rights. 🙂


  3. That is the problem of the present society. No one knows what they will do next, but they seem to have full knowledge of what others should do. Everyone tries to control others life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. I agree. It’s like a race to infinite power, everyone wants to prove something, everyone wants a place, to be revered, to be acknowledged, but with the expense of other people’s suffering. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This was quite a thought provoking read. I think ego has a major role to play in this sort of scenario. I have terrible ego issues myself. Half the problems that exist today would be solved if mankind could learn to admit their mistakes. But hey, guess what people never make ‘mitsakes’ so what have they got to admit?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Good works needs to be appreciated in every possible way. Am fine, Thank you for asking. No one asks me that. 😃

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I like to read stuff. I don’t post. Just few months back I joined, in March. I like being to myself. May be that’s why.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t think we are completely hopeless… there are a tonne of shitty people… but there are also a lot of good people… they are just hard to find…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Humans feel a need to be on the top because we’re scared of failure, and of being vulnerable. We also have this misconception that only one person can be on top at a time, so we think that we need to stand up there alone, rather than with our friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. If the world wasn’t set up like a zero-sum game then maybe things would get better. People always say to be the change you want to see, but you get hurt that way. I tell myself it’ll be okay. If nothing else, if at least the people around me get better then, I can be happy. Until a day where someone who cares and is kind enough becomes a leader – then we can see more change. Sadly, kindness is not often looked upon kindly in leaders. Good post nonetheless!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Too many people seek gratification by standing on others to lift them up. We should be encouraging others to go forward to seek change within themselve to be a better person. Too much bringing down.


      1. Just now, someone replied to my comment on her blog, I told her about what I felt after reading her post, and then I asked her maybe if she can follow me, and then she said, my words are not real and I only want followers. Wow. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. This is something all of us can relate to. The frustration is evident. Although I would like to add that selfishness and the desire to achieve something is what brings meaning into life, if we don’t have anything to live for… What are we really doing?


  10. In us there is a kind of thousand headed hydra, it is called mind – mind changes its colours like a chameleon and changes with the wind. To observe ourselve and to get aware of the functioning of our mind, with honesty towards ourselves and others, we (our soul) can direct the mind to the direction which would like (with non-violence starting in our head), seeing, if we make a show, if we want to appear better than others, – as there is always a motive behind the doings of the mind, and normally it is a selfish doing. The mind is a bad master but a good servant – so we have to be a change ourself according to the words of Gandhi, if we want to see a change in the world.

    Thank you very much, my dear friend
    And all good wishes to you


      1. Yes, it still may take “some time” but there is hope indeed. Sometimes a major change takes place, when people feel more compassion in their hearts, when they are ready to help and share with other people as we could see it when there was that big tsunami and so many people suffered – for a short time mankind opened their eyes and helped each other – until their habits started to lame them again…

        From heart to heart


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